Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Steps To The Raw Diet

I started this journey a little over two years ago. It started with me hearing that the Skinny Bitch diet was working for some people I knew for weight loss. Me wanting to lose weight as usual rushed out to my local Borders to purchase my copy of this wonderful, miracle diet book. Little did I know that it would change my life. After reading the entire book in one night, being completely grossed out and crying for a few hours over the poor tortured animals, I gave up meat. Right then and there I was done. My Alli said "me too" as soon as I told her what I was doing (she had been wanting and trying to give up meat for awhile). Jess and Hubby laughed and thought it would never last. A little over a year later and Alli and I went vegan (except for honey). We still weren't eating all that healthy and I actually gained weight through all of this. There is just plenty of vegan junk food out there let me tell you! Getting fed up with having been over weight for oh thirty years I started looking at how to become a healthy vegan. High raw seemed like the next logical choice and it is working!! Just this past week I've lost about 5 pounds and I feel great.

1 comment:

Risa said...

Interesting. I actually lost weight as a began, as I was eating reasonably healthy. But I gained weight AFTER having Gareth, as with his allergies I was so limited in what I could eat. No tomatoes, no berries, no citrus, no nuts...oy! Very challenging for a (near) vegan. I haven't done raw but I am more aware of raw foods and make sure I eat some raw every day.

And yeah, when I found out how animals were raised for food in our society, that about did it for me.