Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'm always playing catch up with this thing!!!

It seems I am not very good at keeping up with a blog. I have the best of intentions and then life just takes off with me chasing it and falling more and more behind here. Oh well it 's suppose to be fun right?
Today we went to an alpaca farm and feed them and watched them get sheared. It was a beautiful day and we all had fun. Jack and Alli both made felted soaps that they got to bring home with them. If you haven't felt alpaca fur you are missing out on feeling one of the softest furs ever! They were really sweet and cute. Of course Jackson wanted to know if you could have them as pets...uhhmmm no WE can't:)
All three of the kids have auditioned for parts in the homeschool drama club's play and we are just waiting to see if they get the parts that they auditioned for. Keep your fingers crossed for them.
This coming up week is a quiet one as far as the planned out schedule goes so maybe we will plan a field trip of some type. I also need to look up how to make felted animals (yikes) Jackson really liked the examples he saw today and is ready to make some of his own.
Until next time have a sun shiny day.

1 comment:

Risa said...

Hope they all get the parts they aimed for in the play!