Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Photo's from this year

Think! Challenge

Jackson writes his first all by himself word.

Jess and friend at the beach

We've started the "school" year

So I have decided that my blog will now consist of what we do most days, not all. I will never be that consistent:) Today is Wednesday and we are at the bowling alley doing classes and clubs with our local homeschooling group. All three kids have drama and then the girls have forensics class. There is also a reading club which is like a rewards for reading program. They keep track of what they have read and they get prizes every month, the prizes depend on how much they have read that month.
Today after classes there is a free showing of one of the new Veggie Tales movies it's also being done through our homeschooling group. It cracks me up that even the girls like Veggie Tales being that they are older and all:) After that we will be rushing to grab some dinner and then on to Alli's soccer game (if it doesn't rain).
Yesterday we went to the library and Jessica took a writing class with another group of homeschoolers and the younger kids played card games and laughed a lot. My group had so much fun playing the card games that we had to play more last night at home. Jackson was hilarious playing go fish. Then Alli and Jackson played with magnetix for hours designing necklaces for all including the Domo Jackson has. Life is never boring around here.
Until next time keep on smiling.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday The Fun Day

I'm calling today the fun day because yesterday was not the fun day. It wasn't a bad day I just spent the entire day painting Allison's room. I'm so glad that it's done and that it looks really good.
So today I decided to have some fun with the kids. What did they want to do hmmmm..... Goodwill and the library. Where did these kids come from? We spent over an hour at Goodwill and left with two bags of books. Goodwill is the BEST place to find books. I finished City of Bones this past week and Jessica is almost done with it and we found the third book from the series at Goodwill. Jessica was so excited she did the little book dance right there in the store:)
After a yummy lunch we hit the library and Jessica picked up oh seven or eight more books for us to read and Allison found some Manga's to try out and Jackson brought home a stack as well. We also found another Pippi movie which made the girls very happy. I've never heard such laughter as when they watch a Pippi movie. Best of all I found the new Sookie Stackhouse book and did a little dance of my own. So now I'm gonna go finish Kitty Goes to Washington so I can read said Sookie book. If you haven't read a Sookie book run don't walk to the nearest book store, library or Goodwill and get you some Sookie books by Charlainne Harris!! Go! Go now!
My favorite part of the day: Finding the new Sookie book of course and spending a fun day with my posse:)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday Weigh In

Well it appears that I am not the most consistent blogger:) I've been so busy living life that I forgot that I was suppose to be recording it as well. Today was just another Monday. The kids and I ran errands and I had my first weigh in at weight watchers. I have decided that it is finally time to get healthy I'm not getting any younger and I think this body would enjoy being treating like the temple that it is . For my first week I was down 7.8 lbs. Not bad for the first week heh? I was pretty happy with that number.

After running errands the kids and I spent the night out at the pool. Today's heat really warmed it up and they stayed in it forever.

My favorite part of the day today was: Finding out that paying attention to what I ate paid off. Go Me!!!